Android Patrol Logger App
One of the key features of the Guard Management Systems security software suite is our proprietary Patrol Logger app.
The Patrol Logger can be installed on almost any Android device ranging from inexpensive ruggedised smart phones right up to the high-tech PDA devices which are made specifically for bespoke management applications.

Patrol Logging
When you offer a guarding service, having a reliable logging system not only allows you to ensure that your staff are patrolling as expected, but it adds value to your proposition when it comes to service delivery. From the minute a guard books on to a shift using the Patrol Logger application until the point they log off, they are under the system's lone-worker support. Some of the logging features of the Patrol Logger app include:
Response Call Management (RCM)
When operating a mobile response service, quick and easy is key when it comes to managing SLAs and logging attendance.
When being used in response mode, our Patrol Logger app includes three simple buttons which stop the clocks at various stages:
- Accept - This acknowledges the response call and marks the point in time that the patrol did so.
- On-Scene - The on-scene button stops the clock and shows the response guard on scene - to on-scene with additional positioning data, the patrol can use the main Check-In button or tap a tag on site. Marking on-scene stops the clock with regard to response time SLAs and sets the starting point for the billing timer.
- Clear - When a guard has completed a task, pressing the Clear button on the Patrol Logger app will mark the guard as off-site and tell the GMS application to stop billing for the time.
The Patrol Logger app carries out all of its outbound communications via SMS text message; something which over the years we've found proven to be the most stable form of data communication, even in remote locations. Each stage of the RCM process will send the response guard the relevant information they need in order to do their job, including:
- Site address & mapping information
- Site alarm codes
- Key Information, including whether the guard's vehicle has keys for the site, and if so which key safe they're stored in, and if the vehicle isn't equipped with keys, where the keys can be located.
- Contact Information for the client can be requested providing the mobile device has been pre-approved.
- A web link is sent through at the "Clear" stage to allow the guard to complete an incident report. A further web link can be set on a per-category level to be sent through at the ACK stage where scene data-capture may be necessary.
Guard's Aide-mémoires
Although the primary feature of the Patrol Logger application is to facilitate monitoring of the guard's actions, the software also features a selection of useful features to act as aide-mémoires to assist the guard that's using the device. Current pages include:
- A resuscitation reminder, along with an audible beat for CPR, should it ever be needed.
- Capturing people descriptions with a reminder on the industry standard A..H listing
- Capturing vehicle descriptions using SCRIM, including a link to check vehicles with the DVLA
- Useful websites; links to pages including the SIA, HMRC, the terror threat levels, and more.
Questions? You’re Covered
Some questions that we've answered for you.